Suyesh Sabnani


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During this COVID-19 outbreak and Country lockdown period, the concept of “Work From Home” (WFH) got hype and all companies across various industries tried to explore this option to manage their routine operations, though some of them have never had this policy in their company rule book.

As a seasonal HR Professional, I connected with many people working in various companies and visualised this broader picture and landed up to following three important learnings especially focused for Service Based IT Companies.

Lesson #1 Provide WFH to your valuable resources,  permanently.

Your business is run by your People, but  not by your office furniture or other items available in our office. Value your resources and give them the support which they are seeking. You just take care of your People and your People will take care of your clients. You just need to sit back and roll out your invoices. So, look out for opportunities to value your resources.

Lesson #2 Instead of Time Sheet FOCUS on Task deliveries.

The main objective of your business is to serve your Clients the best services. Set your focus on Task deliveries rather than focussing on Time Sheet and login hours of 8 or 9 Hours or may be 10 Hours for that matter.

Give them the flexibility of working in any time zone as per their comfort level and adjust your focus on task deliveries in place of completion of usual login hours as per your office rule book.

Lesson #3  Trust Your WorkForce, Motivate them, Praise them in place of being a “WatchDog”.

Yes, it may sound you rude, but that is the only way to overcome this time of crisis from your business point of view.

In this rough time, in reverse of focussing on proper instalment of tracking or monitoring softwares or other mechanism, shift your focus towards Motivation of  your people. Its time to show them Trust rather than tracking their log in and logout hours.

Motivate them, engage them, and make them feel secure, because ultimately they are your Brand Ambassadors! Remember! COVID is temporary BUT your business is Permanent and YOU cannot run your business without People.